Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Threaded Comment Replies for Custom Templates

If you keep up with Blogger Buzz, you'll know that FINALLY they have threaded comment replies enabled for Blogger (similar to Disqus, how you can reply directly to comments on your posts and have it appear indented like a thread)! You can read the original article. Before, I had inserted a reply button script that allowed me to reply but it wouldn't be attached to the original comment, so that was annoying.

Now you can have threaded comment replies with the touch of a button. Simply go to Blogger Dashboard -> Settings -> Other:  set allow blog feed to "full," then Settings -> Posts and Comments: comment location to "embedded" and voila - everything's set. BUT if you have customized templates like me, things get hairy. I found this very helpful site that's unfortunately in Malay, but with the help of Google Translate, you basically need the first two lines. I'll translate briefly here (code credit: www.themasdoyok.com )

0. Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Template. SAVE YOUR TEMPLATE FIRST ("backup/restore" in upper right corner)
1. Edit html -> Proceed -> check the box that says Expand Widget Templates
2. Control+F and search for this line

<b:include data='post' name='comments'/>
3. Everywhere you see this line above, replace it with this (it appeared 3 times in my code):
<b:if cond='data:post.showThreadedComments'>
<b:include data='post' name='threaded_comments'/>
<b:include data='post' name='comments'/>
4. Easy, right? It should look something like this:
Lemme know how this works for everyone and happy replying! If only Blogger came up with a better way to notify commenters of replies like Disqus thus and then everything would be peachy.

Readers - what commenting system do you use?
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♥Bunny♥ January 18, 2012 at 1:37 AM   said...

Omg! This was sooo helpful! I did see it on someone else's blog that they had a reply button and I thought hey were just awesomely pro at does codes and stuff.
For some reason I can't reply my comments using Chrome, but it works perfect with Firefox!
Thanks a bunch! Now I don't feel like I'm ignoring everyone's lovely comments! :D

♥Bunny♥ January 18, 2012 at 1:52 AM   said...

Also, by any chance would you know if you'll get notified when the comment is replied? Like, if I comment here and you reply this comment, would I get notified? :D Just curious! I is quite noob at these stuff! Thanks again!

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