Teacup Flower Garden

Wet Seal floral print top (gift from roomie) (M) // Forever 21 floral shadow tulle lined skirt (S) // Fioni black cutout peep toe pumps (5) //
Forever 21 pink bow quilted clutch (chains tucked in) //
Forever 21 pink bow quilted clutch (chains tucked in) //
Photography: JJ
(6/11) True "street"style, venturing literally out my front door and hoping not to get run over. Snapped a few shots before we headed to our friend's for dinner and hanging out, playing Castle Crashers. That's a crazy game - so much flying everywhere and the movement is always third person and mediolateral versus the standard anterior-posterior. Meaning, you seem like you're running left or right across the screen and depth perception is a tricky baggart. Toxic bat poop, horrendous giant cats, magic is your BFF. SEO title experiment failed - back to creative titles that confuse everyone :)
It's been a while since I've re-embraced dressing dolly and kawaii. I already look 12, let's not exacerbate that with bows and pink, shall we? Actually, let's. The poofiness of this skirt reminds me of a teacup upside down. I had the brilliant idea to pair this floral top (shrunk a lot in the wash) with the floral shadow designs and bam, there's a theme going. Your closet is your friend - learning to reuse it makes you a friend to your wallet. Meanwhile, Fitz's St. Louis has famous and ridiculous root beer floats. This is the default (and maybe only) size. Try fitting their yummy burgers in your gullet when you're done with this. "Oh baby" - R. Clark.
Kung Fu Panda 2 tomorrow and maybe scoping out some possible deals at the mall. Application application application, hardcore studying, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Somebody please hand me an issue of Vogue. I need a doctor, doctor, doctor, to bring me back to life ♪.
Photo credit: amazon.com
Awwww this is so cute! i love your bag and skirt angie! <3 embrace the dolly-kawaii style more.. :P
I love your skirt! It's so pretty =) Your whole outfit is so nice! I can't wait to see Kung Fu Panda 2!
That clutch! How very very cute~ I love this outfit!
Gosh. You must have the nicest roomie ever...=P
SO GLAD I gave you that shirt. Looks way better on you. See you in two weeks lady!
I absolutely love your outfit especially the clutch! :)
i love the pattern on ur skirt!~
I love your clutch! But that's probably because I'm obsessed with bows and super girly things. ;)The skirt and shoes also look amazing on you; very dainty!
i really love your great style!!!
i hope we can be blogger friends.
am your newest follower!
I really like the mix of florals! And that clutch=Loves it ;D
You look very mature in this look, I love it! Love the mix of florals -- unexpected but looks great! :D
I lovee your skirt! and I just got chictopia too, so just became another fan of yours, now I can stalk you in MORE WAYS! MAHAHAHA! lol
I love your skirt so much!!! :) You're full on floral :)
omg! THat is adorable. Love your wallet and skirt so so much
I love this outfit so much! The print is perfect and the clutch is too cute!!!
would love if you visited ;)
I lurvee your shoes!! Really cute outfit! Forever21 is opening in London, I'm so excited! Your clutch is so nice! xX
That floral top looks lovely, Angie...
love the pink bow clutch!! great deal from f21~
Amazing pics and gorgeous blog!
hiii there ...just link you from Chictopia, you look fantastic :) nice floral combination ^^
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