Pandaphilia 2nd Blog Anniversary
As of today, Pandaphilia is two years old! I'm so happy that after many, many attempts to delete this thing, I've kept it alive and kickin'. This is my canvas for my words and my clothing. This is my home for stranded mind-wandering. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all your support and coming back day after day and urging me to never give up.
The first year was all about finding out who I was and who I wanted to be. Griping about my day could be done elsewhere in private, sharing with the world my inspirations and discoveries from each day is more apt of a purpose. Painting layers of makeup onto my face is fun, but I don't actually do that on a daily basis. I discovered that thankfully, I do get dressed every day. The second year has been all about fashion and I'm so happy to have made the switch. My closet is now a playground, my wardrobe a place to whet my colour palette, the mirror a chance to stand a little taller.
This blog is an anthem that proudly says, "You know what world? I'm a nerd. I'm short. But I can still wear pretty clothes and enjoy it free of guilt." For so long I was so scared to share one of my biggest works of art with the people in my real life, people who would support me. I thought that the science buffs would scoff at my "frivolous hobby" and dismiss all of this work. But they didn't. I was putting thoughts into other people's heads and there are so many silent supporters too. It's not just the number under "Follow with Google Friend Connect." It's not the number of comments, the pageviews even - it's the people bumping into me on campus or Facebook, telling me that they love reading my blog. So even hardcore scientists have any artsy side. Duh, should have realized that.
Even during interviews, when I would venture to mention to professors or mentors that Pandaphilia is something that I work on and care about, they smile and become very interested. Being typical and the perfect student and even the perfect pre-med applicant is all fine and dandy, but being a fashion blogger has been worth every second. If you persist, your goals won't resist.
Some of my favourite outfits from this year (browse all o u t f i t s here):

Last but not least, the winner of the Pandaphilia x Weldon Owen Style Yourself! Fashion Handbook giveaway is ...
[new winner picked here]
Please email me within 48 hours with your mailing address or I will another winner. Stay tuned for Alonai petite and big shoes giveaways and my 2-year blog giveaway! Thanks lovelies! (haven't said that in a while)