Hi again : ) I'm in a super blogging mood recently primarily to avoid work haha xD I did tackle some things off my to-do list but there is an even bigger backlog of outfit photos and makeup reviews that won't write themselves. I'm using my blogging creative juice as an excuse to prime my writing lids for some serious personal statement throwdown. The best writing is done under high pressures, room temperature, and time(max) minus a few hours.
This outfit is from Labor Day, believe it or not. I decided to break out this $4.95 USD brand new H&M dress I snagged off the racks a month ago when I was home in California. Are you serious, H&M!? You just earned a million brownie points in my book. This dress is really soft with delicate mesh covering the chest and it's a great bodycon. I bought this black one in size 4 and another one in size 4 with referee black and white vertical stripes. I should bravely put that on later and see if I look taller (as they frequently suggest to petites). Alas I forgot to take pictures of the dress alone but I will style it differently the next time I wear it. For Labor Day shopping, I wore my H&M favourite black shorts over the dress and tucked the bottom in for a romper kind of look. Time to wear the infamous leopard print wedges I impulsively bought at Forever 21 towards the end of summer. These were about $33 so I have no idea why I went for it, but I think back then I was still into the "grab whatever you see that looks like a trend and wear it for Chictopia." After an entire day of walking around malls (over 7 hours of it), my feet were very sore and painful. Forever 21 makes cheap and terribly hurtful shoes, so if you like comfort over cheap dupes of designers, avoid avoid avoid!
After being screwed over by the editors on Chictopia for my last two uploads, I decided screw it. Defining my style around a website, around a certain ideal, just to get into a flashy gallery is nonsense. It is nice to gain recognition, but I find that when I actually wear clothes that make me feel like a normal person, what's slightly out of my comfort zone but not inappropriate, the "me" in the outfit shines through. I don't need chic votes to reassure myself. So if you've ever worked really hard and got removed from the Style Gallery because of graininess or other made-up regulations, shake it off and raise your head high. You walk that sidewalk like it's a runway. You strut that hallway like it's crumbling behind you. You pose for that camera like you've never lived. Don't let the hype ruin your day and cage your style. [And yes I will continue posting on that site. I'm just bitter towards the editors. The people there are really nice and fashionable. Why can't I squat for a photo and stay in the damn gallery?] *This rant is for my girls out there who are frustrated too*
I went shopping at the Galleria with some friends and ended up scoring an amazing fitted white blazer from Ann Taylor: my first high-end purchase. As a student I wanted this baby so bad - can you believe it was in 00P and that I could fit into it? It started off as $158 full price, then knocked down to $79.99, then with 25% off and some other fancy discount and the 20% off I got for some lipstick stains I found, it came out to be $31.70! That is really not bad and it makes me look so sharp, as if I were wearing my first white coat xD Oh a girl can dream, eh? I will hopefully style the blazer soon and get to show all of you. I also picked up some cheap essentials at Forever 21 because I wasn't impressed with the fit of things I tried on (a khaki green romper was cute but Small fit like a M-L). Taupe herringbone tights and 2 skinny belts in Camel and Taupe in Small-Medium. Sadly the XS-S sold out online a long time ago because they're so cheap at $2.50 each. I should be able to punch some holes in them somehow. I found that my guy friend can definitely shop. He hit up fancy stores like Banana Republic and we went to the outlet malls later to continue the bargain hunt. I bought a v-neck thin sweater top at Old Navy with a matching taupe scarf for under $25 for both. I already wore that outfit yesterday and can't wait to post outfit photos. They are so warm and comfortable. It's nice because the entire Old Navy outlet store was 40% off. Hurray for fall! I can't wait for the weather to cool down slightly so I can experiment with all these nice layers I have.
We finished off the day with my first Steak & Shake experience ever. I had a Guacamole steak burger and their tiny fries, along with a Cookies & Cream milkshake. It was okay, but honestly I still prefer In & Out. Funny that I've lived that long without trying it even once xD
For makeup, I used my favourite palette: Wet n Wild in Vanity. I used gold and bronze colours over the lid, tons of eyeliner, and drew leopard patterns on one of my eyes to jazz up the look. I also wore my Geo Nudy Browns for that catty halo effect when using flash photography. Add a nude lip and the result is FIERCE!

Love love love your top! :D
Too bad Forever21 doesn't have a size 5 for shoes. But anyway totally love the shoes. :D
wow.. awesome shoes...
wow, love the shoes! :D
wooow, amazing look !!
xoxo lala
come and visit me
The hair shot is magic!! LOL i love it XD
You are SO right, you dont need a website to approve you've got style because you already have it!! I really like this outfit, it's really fun and sexy!
i forgot to say i love your leopard print eyes!!
Your posts are always so fun. I like how you wore that mesh dress as a top, I looked at the pictures first and thought it must have been a bodysuit. The heels are outrageous and so much fun, but I don't think I can see myself walking around in those without doing some serious injury.
Nice choice in eyeshadow! The bronze really compliments your skintone and omg matches your shoes!! GIRL, I hope you strut in those. =0D I was wearing my platforms the other day and almost ate the floor. <33
Chictopia drives me nuts too. Even my hubby screams 'conspiracy' lol. This look is definitely fierce!!! I LOVVVVVE your shoes!
I really love the top, despite the bra and turning it V neck like, it still looks really good *thumbs up*
What lip colour are you using? Very niceeeeeeeeeee
p.s: Lash knockout good for lower eye lashes? But..but.. I don't have any lower eyelashes to try it out so I can't answer you >.<;;
Lol, but seriously, I don't really have any hair there :P
Oh my god, you look so faboulous! Honestly, I've never seen anyone more photogenic than you are! Share that with me, I always look so weird on every foto, hahaha!
LOVe the shoes!!! and the OOTD Is nice the black brings out the shoes!
I feel like this is a different look than what we've seen so far on the blog Angie, and I love it!! Those shoes are hot, and totally make the outfit! Your hair is so light in that last photo too.. I want a head full of hair that color!
angie!! you look hot!!! i love that mesh top on you and your photos are really nice. the contacts and the contacts go really well together too.
You look extremely hot and definitely fierce. you look slightly tired though, you alright? Love the shoes, OMG! Love the edited colouful shot~!!!
ohh sexy outfit and hot shoes. you got great legs! love the leopard print on your eyes too. LOL I use photoshop to get rid of "annoying door handles" and other annoying stuff in the way all the time
fierce and attitude girl! love the whole theme. the people are just jealous and wish they had your style ;)
ive seen wedges like that here. i couldnt decide whether i like them or not. the only problem i thought of is the height of the hell/platform LOL
the dress looks HOT on you angie!! :) and your makeup looks great :)!!
omgash how fun! compliments always make me red
faced hahaha!
gosh angie! what do you do!? because your legs
and calf muscles are the bomb!!! mines are huge
and i hate them, idk how to make them shrink x(
This is so different but it's so sophisticated! You definitely pulled it off :) And don't worry what Chictopia says...you're totally a fashionista ^^
Gahh! Leopard makeup! That's so awesome :D
I was so confused by your outfit at first... is it a dress? a body suit with shorts? romper?? Bleh teach me right for not reading and jumping right to the pics :P
What?! The squat shots are the best :D
This outfit is great! :) I like the eye make up!
wow, those booties wedges are AWESOME. I wana get them!!!
those wedges are pretty awesome, but really do look like they'd be painful after awhile. & i love your make up!
love your eye makeup and im a sucker for animal prints too.
Sexy mama!!! LOL Your pictures are like magazine style! LOVING it!!!! Sorry I have been MIA from commenting- still trying to catch up! Didn't want you to think I haven't been WANTING to comment!!! Will go back to all the posts I have missed!
The shoes are HOT!
Cool... you matched your eye shadow to your boots! Sosrry about the mosquito bite. I hate those. At least the season is almost over right?
Ooh!! I can't believe that dress is 4.95. H&M is listening to us :p I snagged some skirts for about $5 too once (or twice). I love it when they have serious sales :p I admit I only go in there because of the sales. I hardly ever buy anything at full price.
The shoes are HOT! :D I love all the spots on them, and how your eyes match the spots. It's so... proportioned :) Top and bottom. I love the lip color on you!! I also LOVE that ELF lip stick you mentioned in your last post!!! What pretty shades!!! :P I will try those out!
Hot outfit and shoes!!
OMGGGGGG angie!!!! i looooooooooooove these pics! you look so hot in them! that outfit is great on you and those shoes are killer, i must get them! your hair, outfit, shoes, makeup all scream sexyyyy!!! haha i totally hear ya on the chictopia rant, i dont even bother worrying anymore, if people like it fine, if not, screw them i know i got style, haha!
leopard im stealing u for myself mwahaha
omg ! i love this leopard print (*o*)
this shoes fit perfect to you
i could never wear this here in germany. they would all laugh about me =/
Nice shoes and you look like a model :D
my fave! you look sooo sexy! loving the wedges (i usually wear socks too, hehe). love the animal print eyes- this look is killer :D
You look sexy and still elegant. That's great!! I love the diamond mesh neckline and of course, THOSE BOOTS! It's ok to stumble once in awhile ;)
all i can say is WOW! love ur blog!! check out mine too!
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