Of Cake, Parfait, and Onions
Hello lovelies! It has been such an exhausting week of school and labs and work, but it's finally the weekend! I am not fully recovered but my voice is mostly back, the coughing is drastically reduced, and I have growing six-pack abs as a result. I have so many posts lined up but not many photos edited - plenty of catching up to do.
Since I have started working in my research lab again, I have to be careful what I wear. While I don't have to don dress pants and fancy tops, I still have to look more graduate student than party-going undergrad. Thus my staple is usually some sort of jeans and a cardigan or blazer on top. Shoes can be flats, low heels, or just sneakers. Yesterday we had a lab meeting at 3, so I had to shower quickly and fly to the metro station. Luckily the train was behind schedule because it was rainy and gloomy all day. I was able to leave at 5:30 = TGIF! My boyfriend and I went to a local Vietnamese restaurant for pho and vermicelli noodles, and I ordered some delicious 3 color bean dessert for the first time. Oh how I love the weekends.
Speaking of gloomy and atrocious uncooperative weather, St. Louis has been very erratic lately. One day it will be 85 degrees, the next full of thunderstorms, the next is chilly true fall, then back to blazing sunshine again. When it's raining I can't really take photos outside, so my boyfriend and I have been trying to shoot in his bedroom against a blank wall. Our doom lighting sucks, for lack of a better term, so we try to turn on as many lamps as possible but the camera still doesn't want to pick up clearly grrr. It's funny because my 3.2 mpx camera on my phone shoots better in low lighting than a Nikon SLR xD I should really learn how to use that hunk of a thing. I ended up brightening these photos a lot and trying to pick out the few that weren't blurry.
To match the floral shirt, I played with super colourful makeup after I got off work. I unbuttoned one button on the cardigan and pulled down a sleeve to expose more of the floral pattern.
P.S. Take a moment to treasure how precious life is. Say a prayer for those who lost a loved one in the 9/11 attacks 9 years ago. It may be a very long time, but I still remember what I happened as clear as if it were yesterday. God Bless America ♥

ooh i love the fotd! i've never tried that been dessert, i'm always hesitant when it comes to trying new desserts idk why >.<
I know what you mean about the weather! Fall in the midwest is so weird :/
I love how casual yet cute your outfits are! And I love cardigans of course :)
I'm definitely excited for this FOTD, it looks a lot different than usual! ^_^
Yay! I've been waiting for your next post!
You really rock the casual chic outfit! Bean dessert and parfaits are so yummy :) Pfftt... I hate constantly changing weather too.
Good luck with school!
You are the queen of poses Angie! Love how creative you are :) And the FOTD ~ the bottom liner is pretty! Makes me want to give non-black liners a try ;)
The university I went to didn't even offer parfaits! My dessert always consisted of a brownie or a cookie with ice cream on top. OoOOh, I love your lipstick!
Angie, I love it!!! Serious grad student :D hehe
The top you are wearing is gorgeous! I love how the color contrasts through your cardigan. The cardigan is great too. I love how it's "boyfriend" style. Super comfy and easy to wear. I love your casual look. Still sophisticated :D
Hi Angie...I love pho and anything soup/noodles related. 3 color beans drink...yummy! I miss it...not too many Viet restaurants serve that here. The weather is crazy here too, it was 80 this afternoon and now its probably low 60 and very foggy!! :(
I love the makeup. Are you wearing green eyeliner? It's a really pretty on you. I have pot of it from Bobbi and its all dried out.
Anyway, I prefer outside pictures because my digicam's flash is horrible. It washes me out and I hate looking pale. lol
I love your first picture (^O^) You look like a kid ne! ♥ And your outfit is sooooo cute (^_~)
lol@brow comment!
i love the poses you do for your outfit pics! awesome!
you look really pretty at the end :D
Mmm.. parfaits... I live really close to a Curry House (Japanese restaurant) that makes an awesome parfait. They have a layer of cornflakes, which I think is so weird but it's still so yummy... especially with a big hunk of tofu cheesecake on top! And glad to hear you're feeling better :)
gorgeous fotd Angie! you have the best skin ever.
oooh dessert! yummy!!!
1- that cardigan is awesomeeeee ,, love it ,, awww great outfit for collage
2- makeup look so nice
3- that layered parfait looks yummy <3 am craving now
4- RIP to 9/11 victims and families .
I love this style, it seems to cosy and comfortable, but also chic! :-)) Cute casual is the best XD
I wanna eat some desserts with you someday! :-))
The OOTD looks good :D
You don't know how fast I clicked on your link when I saw the word Parfait.. nyahahahahahahhaha!!!
/drool a bathtub full
I love your makeup so much it looks so good here, and I love your style! I have so many floral tops now, I don't even know what to do with them xD haha.
I hate shooting in low lighting too. Boosting the ISO helps, but then it makes your photos all grainy. I'm thinking about getting a lens with a really low aperture (1.8) to shoot with in low light. And MMM those desserts look so yummy! I think I'll attempt to make a home made parfait soon!
OOO! You changed your make up! I love it I love it I love it did I say I love it? Yes I love it! And somehow, you look sexy kekekeekekekekekke!! Love the cardigan and I'm going to steal it! And parfaitt looks sooo yummmmmmyyyyy :D
Cute floral top =)
My new camera is so fun! I can't stop taking pictures!
I hope you get better soon. Cute boyfriend cardi btw. :)
Your photos are always so cute and the look for the day is pretty. Love the color on your bottom lashes. :)
Btw, do you have a twitter?
xo, Diana
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