Circle Circle Dot Dot, Now You Have Your CookieMonster Shot
Hi again lovelies : ) This outfit was from last Sunday (I know, still catching up on these outfit posts), a day of attending various student group events and catching up on homework. I love it when people ask me if I'm going out or what I'm all dressed up for and I can reply, "No particular reason." Being presentable sure beats the disapproving looks of "didn't you wear those pants yesterday and the day before that and all last week?" Trust me, people do that during college haha.
Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to Five Guys at the mall, a burger joint that has locations around the US. It's pretty decorated in the "best burgers/fries" department by many newspapers and sources, and the juicy deliciousness definitely proves all this hype worthwhile. The first time I had Five Guys was in Columbus, Ohio last spring, but the St. Louis one is much better. The fries were piping hot and overflowing out of the container, the burgers gigantic and full of so many boom-boom-POW flavours that kicked and burst and exploded into wonderful yummms in the mouth. I ordered a Cheeseburger and my boyfriend the Bacon Cheeseburger and we downed some Golden Peak Raspberry Sweetened Iced Tea. Finger-licking goodness. The whole bill came out to be some jingles over $17 for both of us, so the sandwiches can be pricey at $5-$6 a pop and regular fries at $3. Personally, this beats California Pizza Kitchen by a ton. Five Guys even trumps In N Out. My boyfriend and I had this huge debate about which was better and we finally decided we agree to disagree. Team Five Guys for me, Team In N Out for him.
Headed to the mall again? This time with a clearer head and less craze for retail therapy, I wanted to return the cat-eye black frames that came in the mail with my F21 haul. I looked around for things and Forever 21 simply does not appeal to me anymore, especially at the mall here. The clothes are disorganized, barely wearable, and overpriced for quality. I have become an H&M convert hahaha. There were some interesting pieces but I didn't find any perfect for multiple wears and ended up only buying a nice white circle scarf that will come in handy in a few more weeks when the weather finally chills out. The cashier wouldn't let me return the glasses because they're "accessories" and apparently I can return them to the online source but not in stores. They need to get their policy straight. Why is Forever 21 the only store that is so picky about keeping tags on, no refunds, and terrible exchange policy? Frustrating. The oxford heels that I bought online also squeak worse than rainboots on marble floor after a nice downpour. They're okay in comfort and style and at a good price so I think I'm keeping them.
Claire's also didn't want to cooperate today. I went in trying to squeeze a cartilage piercing in at 8:44 PM, which is a reasonable time frame to hold the piercing gun up to my ear and pinch. The sales associate told me they stop at 8:45, and it was already 8:48 so they can't do anything about it. I checked my satellite-controlled phone time after I left the store and went all the way down to the ground level of the mall and it read 8:46PM. @#$(@!. *shakes head* So ... my boyfriend is going to help me pierce my ears at home :D This is going to be a crazy (and probably super painful) experience but I'm really excited yay! I remember those new cute Hello Kitty post studs that I saw you can use to get your ears pierced at Claire's and feel bitter like coffee beans. I will post pictures of the result later.
Now onto talk about this outfit. This ruched sleeve top is the same one I wore for my cowgirl outfit towards the end of summer. It's quite long and belted with a string, my makeshift chambray top. I wore black biker shorts underneath because I'm not a fan of seeing butts hanging out on other girls when they wear long shirts and tights, so I shouldn't act as a hypocrite, right? I just feel uncomfortable exposing my butt like that. The dotted tights are from Target. They were on sale for $4-5 and were meant to be replacements for my Forever 21 navy blue ones that ripped but these terrible things ripped in the package too D: I considered buying another F21 pair today at the mall but decided that blowing $6 on such transient things weren't worth it. I'll just wear my torn tights with pride. It was definitely too hot for boots, but I decided to layer on all these things anyway, hoping to entice fall to arrive faster.
I tried out my new Wet n Wild eyeshadow palette in Pride (the green and blue one) and I love the pigmentation. I used the navy shimmery colour and it created a nice match with the outfit. Blue is not a very wearable normal daytime colour though, so I will refrain from overdoing it too often. It takes longer and longer to try to coax my hair into a top bun but I was feeling it for this outfit so many bobby pins were sacrificed for the good of fashion hahaha.

Yay~ I like H&M much better too... Sometimes the fabric in F21 makes the clothes look.. not nice.
I love this outfit, everything so pretty (except the ripped tights hehehe)
I heard it's dangerous to pierce cartilage with a gun because it could shatter :S
I love Five Guys too! (I only eat the fries because I don't like burgers...I know, I am a weirdo)
I can't believe you'll be trying to pierce cartilage at home...please tell you you are kidding. Can you wait until your next Claire's trip?
Your outfit is adorable as always, I love the sleeve details of the chambray shirt and I love it even more that you planned your makeup to match. :)
You should try returning the glasses at a different store! I returned a pair of sunglasses that I also bought online to the store with no problem at all about a month ago!!
really cute denim dress =]
oh pretty sleeves!
about the stockings, I wear gloves when I wear/remove them so it wont rip but sometimes I got it ripped by accident on my bag, chair, or accessories >.< im clunsy too~
Every girl seems to be wearing those heart stocking.
angie ive said it a million times but you are just too cute! i love this outfit, simple but chic! i have those same tights from target too, yay! we both are so stylish :P
Yay for another set of chic pictures!! You never fail to make me smile Angie! I particulary love your top. I can match it anywhere from short, skirt or jeans! Very wearable!
super adorable as always angie!!!!! ^_^
you look pretty in blue! I adore your tights they are such a cute touch to the outfit.
i couldnt find anything nice in F21 last time over in japan... maybe i should check it out again after seeing you in them!
Oh gosh, I get burger cravings all the time and of course at odd hours like midnight. Just a word of advice, its highly recommended that you don't get your cartilage pierced with a gun. I remember reading that when I got mine done 5 years ago. (OMG IM SO OLD) If your bf is doing it, just make sure he doesn't hit a vein! Trying not to smother you with my motherly concern but the best method is going to a respectable tattoo parlor and getting it done there.
Switch back to girlfriend mode - LOVE the ruching on your sleeves! I bet people are so jealous that you are dressed so nicely at school. I know I was!
I like going to Five Guys myself! :). I very dislike ripping thighs myself. In general, longer nails don't make life easy, period heh.
Love the outfit, but I love your poses in the photos even more. Much more interesting than most blogs showing off an outfit. :-)
cool shirt and love that color. the back makes it really special...i love how there's a twist.
DON'T ask your bf to pierce your cartiledge!!!! Get a professional to do it :( I have my cartiledge pierced and it hurts for like one month. you have to take care of it properly and I usually tell people to don't do it!! But if you really want to do it, pleeeeeeeeease a professional to do it!!!! > < It can turn green and nasty sometimes!!
other than that... CUuuute out fit > <
I love the top and your make up so cute!
*giggles* torn stockings > <
Such a cute outfit. I love your poses!
Hmmm, the blue eyeshadow looks good on you :DDDD
Good luck on the ear piercing, let us know how it turned out k!
oh my you're so cute in your oversized shirt and dotted tights! and piercing your ears at home?! that might heart a lot plus catch an infection?? Anyways good luck doing it! I got my fingers crossed for you hun!
You look so adorable Angie!! I love the top/dress, you look like a ballerina with your hair like that! Pretty ^_________^ xX
You look so cute Angie! I love denim dresses and you pulled off that blue eyeshadow!!! :)
How is it that you can make ripped tights look classy and on purpose? I'm so jealous right now haha >_<
And too bad about the ear piercing, but hopefully it goes well with your bf doing it lol
I'm kinda getting the same feeling from F21 lately, it just doesn't hold the same allure anymore... *dramatic sigh*
I love your FOTD too, you should do a post about it ^_^
You are adorable Angie! My fav is the "i want YOU" post :) I love both your outfit & FOTD, seamlessly complementary!
Wow how is your BF going to pierce your ears? Sounds a little scary to be honest... hope it turns out OK!
i lOVEEE ur outfit!!! i wanna wear boots already!!! i wish it was fall already sesshhh TExas is still hott as ever :(
omg i cant wait to see your experience with the piercing! good luck with that! :D the first picture looks like your fighting an invisible ninja or something ;) xD the boots are soooo nice and love how you colour co-ordinated your makeup with the outfit! ^^
You look so cute!! Once again :D I think blue is really good on you. The shirt/stocking/boot combo is soooooo hot! I love it. It's like a combo of summer/winter. I don't know what it is, but I love it, esp the boots!!
Five Guys is really good!! They just opened one in San Jose :p I've been once, and I ordered the "regular" sized burger which had a double patty and was big and fat. I ate it all.. LOL including the piping hot fries!!! LOL
Ahh, self piercing?!?! Is that doable?!?!'re outside of my boyfriends lovely abode in these pictures aren't you
you DID wear pants!:D hahaha! seriously, people in college should just mind their own business. At least you're not wearing sweatpants with "princess" written on your butt :p
Love the blue eye makeup, too! It suits your outfit ;)
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