Captain of the Nerd Herd (Battle of the Print Tees #2)
Hello sweeties! :D I am so excited because it is Thursday, my official "breathe" day of the week! This is the only weekday in which I get back anytime before 7 or 8 PM and can actually sleep at night instead of napping polyphasically and struggling awake at 4 or 5 AM to do my homework. I am one exhausted puppy. Silly me to think this semester would get comfortable and all settled in and chill. I suppose there's no rest for the weary, and definitely none for the tired Neuroscience premed, eh?
This may gross you out, but on Tuesday, I had Neurophysiology Lab again (9 AM - 6 PM) and we were working with frog sciatic nerves. These bullfrogs were HUGE and super hoppers that tried to break their jars. It was sad watching more and more of her disappear as we tried to dig around for its nerve in its leg and isolate it without overstretching and burning out fibers. I won't get into the nitty gritty details because you guys might feel sick and I might get too excited about neurons and expose my nerdiness some more. That surgery took about 4 hours and we were recording right up til the 9th hour. I believe the lab equipment exam was the hardest, most frantic thing I've ever spent 18 minutes on in my life. I was there for all 9 hours and only left for a 2 minute bathroom break, no lunch. Quotes of the day: "Gloves are for wussies" and "True scientists don't break for lunch."
I have a ton of outfits to show you guys that I haven't shot yet because of class and working until late hours when the sun has passed out for the night. Teasers: I'm bringing a little sexy back, Stroking my curly moustache, Couple Cardigans, some work-friendly clothes, and nanananananana-Batman! I hope you guys can't wait either : ) They're super fun! I will be shooting them this weekend between Physics death-cram sessions and catching up on all sorts of nonsense that has been piling up and being thrown on the baby-got-back-burner because other more pressing things have been in the way. I'm trying to get my life back on track (reminiscent of the derailed magnetic carts were flinging during Physics Lab today) because I'm overworked and overbooked in several compartments and need balance. By the way, totally digging the new Twitter except that I can't see my cursor as I update :o
This Battle of the Print Tees outfit #2: wear a printed tee with a cardigan and knee-high socks! I wore this last Friday, to class, to lab even (I know, scandalous!) ... which probably wasn't a great idea. Know at least I know that: 1) I can make it walking several miles a day across bumpy surfaces, mud, and rocks in wedges 2) Socks with wedges are a match made in heaven. These knee-highs are super soft and comfy and I got them for $2 USD at Target (way better than anything from F21). They actually stay up most of the time, but the back part sticks far above my heel because my feet are so small. One size fits all is the biggest lie I've ever heard. It's more like one size fits S-M, 5'6", and size 7 feet. sdfs I wore my Fifi Lapin shirt tucked into shorts and a long loose boyfriend cardigan to give it a perfect collegiate look. The big nerd glasses are for fun that I tried to return but F21 workers were being a B that day (that's right, I said it!) Last but not least the awesome shield ring I won from Suzy's giveaway - thank you so much sweetie ♥ I love it! Thank you also to Chin Lu of for helping me out and getting the prize switched to a size 5 to fit my tiny fingers. Suzy has an amazing fashion blog and always features amazing outfits - definitely visit her site and leave some love!
I'm really excited because we found another great place to shoot: right by my dorm building, which has lots of nice reflective windows that operate as mirrors for me to prep poses. There's a lot more people traffic though, but I'm trying to constantly get over my uncertainties while I shoot. My boyfriend is actually an amazing photographer if you can't tell and he took some great headshots: aperture priority, zoom in against some cool background and instant DSLR dupe photo! xD
Onward with the deluge of poses
P.S. Praise the TV gods for the return of Chuck, Glee, and others! Summer break-ups with TV shows was too painful to bear. Now when am I going to find time to watch all these? xD Tell me your favourite shows!
P.P.S. I finally made a Lookbook! Friend me, fan me, whatever. Same username: pandaphilia. Hype this look ♥

angie-- i love those socks & it so cute on you! i think they are a great alternative to boots. i saw some on f21 and have been contemplating about getting them. great pics btw -- compliments to the bf.
angie! love everything! the shirt is super duper cute! how you paired your outfit with wedges suits you well.
The nail polish is cute! nice color, not to bright, or subtle..perfect
Oh I want to bust out my knee high socks now! I'm loving the outfit, so retro schoolgirl! LOL to your glasses, I want to try punching out the film out of my 3D glasses and see if it has the same effect.
The first face shot is amaaaazziing! WOW! Have you gotten your ear cartilage piercing yet?
You look like such a college kid now! (Which is a good thing lol) I always wonder where to get cute high socks that don't look like they belong on a soccer just teach me everything! :p
Your bf is seriously talented man! And those teasers are quite interesting...I can't wait to see what they're about! ^_^
Gosh so cute! I love glasses :)
I love the blood red nails!! :) Very fitting for a neuroscience premed gal :) Actually, what an awesome major!!! Performing surgeries seems pretty cool as well. I've always wanted to be in the medical field. If i can do it all over, I'd do that :) That and I watch too much House.
I love the outfit. The knee socks really match the top... its great!! :D
This outfit is so cute! I received my above the knee socks from F21 yesterday, and can't wait to wear them for the first time! I will have to look to your for styling ideas :D.
the whole look is super cute, but as usual it is your personality shining out that always makes your photos special :-)
damnnn when I saw that sweater I was like HEY that's the forever 21 sweater I wanted to get but they ran out of my size hahahahaha!! You're so cute I fanned you on lookbook :D
such a cute sweater!!!! and i love the nerdy look:)
whoa sexy nerd
i think the socks really did it for me
The outfit and your poses are so cute! I like the print on the tshirt :)
love the geeky glasses and blood red nails! i'm still not over the whole twilight vampire phase :) :) :)
angie you're the cutest nerd ever! those glasses are so cute on you! your boyfriend did a great job taking photos....wish mine would do the same! haha, j/k he's not that bad. nice ring, i told my sister to let me win the giveaway but she wouldn't :P
Angie is a pretty nerd! (^O^) I love the nerd glasses!!
Ah so that's where the twitter profile pic came from :) Loove the kaleidoscope photo!! That's so neat! Now I'm gonna have to checkout lookbook for it :D
Speaking of OSFA.. just read an article that in a few years 3 in 4 Americans will be obese... so I wouldn't expect stores to start catering to little folks any time soon >__<
geek glasses and over the knee socks = <3
this is such an ADORABLE outfit and it really screams personality!
love this combo!
Follow me and ill follow you!
(i just started and could use some followers!)
AHHH! Fifi Lapins!!!! Love the look!
I'm really digging the knee high socks! And I love your hair, it suits you!
Physics is probably the most worthless premed requirement ever (they're all pretty worthless though, especially O-Chem lol). That is, unless you go in to radiology or radiation oncology... but even then, it's pretty worthless as I remember close to zilch from college physics.
my gosh so cute this look! YOu look like a realy nerdy girl, in a slightly sdexual way. lol! I'm weird. Well take your time girl and blog when ever you can. no rush, we all will still be hear! I really love the lapin shirt. And... you know why :D
and... i love disecting frogs... or any thing for that matter so instead of grossing out, I got excited!
thanks! that outfit is so cute! love the glasses & t-shirt especially. my friend got prescription glasses with those kind of frames! & that photo effect is awesome ;D
ps. those glasses don't look too big on you at all!
Awww What a super cute outfit. The knees highs are adooorable.. but I'm smitten with your Fifi Lapin shirt. I love that bunny. She's the most stylish bunny on the planet. :)
Happy Sunday!
xx Love & Aloha
love the cardigan <3
u look so cute =D
hey there!
i just found your blog via sophiasa and since i LOVE it already, i´m a new follower :)
smooches from germany!
Angie, you look so cute in your "nerdy" chic outfit with glasses & all! I like your t-shirt, and yes I think your bf takes really good shots of you!
Aw it sounds like the frogs were alive.... =X
you look like a super cute school girl!! now go to the library! hehe
"Gloves are for wussies" and "True scientists don't break for lunch."
bahhaha I love the outfit! ive alwys wanted to wear socks like that but never got to it :( #procrastination in everything. fail. lmbo
the quote about gloves got me laughing bc i rem my ANat & Phys prof NEEVER wore gloves when we dissected cats!! and he also would eat right beside the stinky formaldehyde smelling CAT lol and he would touch the nerves, and touch his food it was sooo gross but funny
what a lovely blog you have !
i like this preppy cute sytle on you very much !
where are you from ? :D
kisses. michelle..
A really cute outfit. You inspire me to be not so boring with fashion!!!
Angie... I want to see you in the pair your knee-length socks with chunky wedges... !!
wow ! <3 your sense of styleee!
the glasses are so cute!!! They actually look good on you despite what you said about them being too big! But hey, if you don't want them, I'll have 'em ;) I need a cute pair of glasses. My current one is SO BORING :(
Anyway, love this cutesy nerdy outfit. It reminds me of one of the looks in Forever21 lookbook. You are totally rocking this look :D It really suits your cheery personality ;)
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