Saturday, September 4, 2010

As Their Eyes Were Watching Oz

Hi lovelies! It's finally the weekend yay! This week has felt like the longest 4 days ever, simply because I've been working nonstop and working off 4-6 hours of sleep each night. The weather in St. Louis has been absolutely abysmal because of the mugginess + grey skies combo. Luckily yesterday I was able to catch the last rays of sunshine for a quick photoshoot. My boyfriend tried out his dad's old SLR and we have no idea how it works yet, so a lot of the pictures are inconsistent in composition but I think that makes it cool. As I click through my OOTD's from previous months, I realize that it's an evolution of my photography style haha.

Even though I've been thrown headfirst into working, organizing, community service, class, all these things that motivated me during high school, I am really happy. I am one of those people that never has enough to do, always piles on more things than I can handle on to-do lists, and chooses to juice a few more pages out of book than to sleep. In my first two years of undergrad, I felt like a failure because I slept about 10 hours every day, enjoyed a social life for once, and had a relatively relaxing time. These last two years are all about patching up my portfolio and showing med schools and myself that I can handle my life with poise. My body has rebelled already to this influx of stress, but soon I'll be readjusted and fine in no time.

Things have changed in my research lab as well. Last semester, I admit I was very stressed and overwhelmed at all the independence but the past two days, I have spent 8-9 hours just in my research lab, learning new techniques, troubleshooting protocol design, and as my friend-coworker says, "doing graduate level work." I feel such exhilaration at being able to figure out solutions while getting my hands dirty. I will be doing a lot of experiments and working with people on their auditory and vestibular systems, basically everything to make this little nerd a happy camper. Which also means, I need to dress more professionally for my workplace. I will dare a little more in the classroom and tone it down in the lab. I will hopefully find a nice time in my schedule to snap photos and good locale and lighting so I can show you how my fashion is transforming :D

This floral skirt I spotted in H&M when I went shopping right after arriving back on campus. Our mall really didn't impress me that day but I picked up this beauty for only $5 USD and tried it on in the fitting room. It is super super tight on me because I'm probably about a Euro 3 (between 2 and 4), but this size 2 skirt fits like an XXS. It sits super high on my waist and looks funny unless I fold over the top waistband to expose more of my top. It's supposed to have 3 buttons for the 3 loops in the back, but it's missing one. However, they included an extra stapled to the tag so I believe I just scored an awesome skirt for 80% off xD My favourite part about this is that it has hidden pockets!

The lace on my tank top adds nicely to the simple black. I also wore this out with a green cardigan from H&M but I didn't have enough light to photograph it D: I guess it can be a repeat OOTD later. Finally, my red sparkly Dorothy flats are getting some usage. I bought this pair from the children's shoes section at Target a year ago but felt too shy to wear them in public. Already in this week I've been back on campus, I've sported them twice. +1 for fashion courage! They are so sparkly at night time as well, so I'm thoroughly entertained and constantly staring at my feet as I walk hahaha.

I've been wanting to shoot in this wildflower field on the hill leading up to our Athletic Center but can't manage to tripod it myself. I hope you like the floral adventures! I might try shooting more on this hill because it's so pretty.

Floral skirt, H&M (Euro size 2)
Lace cami tank, Forever 21 (size S)
Red sparkly Dorothy flats, Xhilaration for Target (size 3 children's)
White ruffle hand bag, Claire's

Photographer: Mrow Mii (boyfriend). Camera: Nikon D70 SLR (very old)
We don't know how to use this camera yet haha so the sky turned out kind of interesting
I love this dark red nail polish for autumn. It's Estee Lauder in Autumn. Wearing Lancome Lipstick in Rogue Baroque and Estee Lauder brown eyeliner, Geo Angel Violet coloured lenses
In the shade by my dorm building. I had to unblur them in Picnik but even then it didn't turn out as clear as I wanted. Proof that a $200 point and shoot can take much clearer pictures than a SLR if you don't know how to use it!
My shoes! I loved the Wizard of Oz so much as a kid : )
Will clicking my heels together teleport me to Kansas?
These 3 pictures are taken with my Canon point and shoot. Floral patterns are one of the things that I hate on the rack but then looks pretty good on my person. 
The back
I love seeing the big fat red sale tag at H&M
I/my boyfriend will try to learn how to use the SLR properly so hopefully photos will become more consistent and better :D I'm excited to show you what I wore the rest of this week! For now, it's sipping tea, taking medicine, and lots of ab workout coughing exercises until I get better. You should actually hear me talk in person - it's quite funny listening to a 20-year-old girl sound like a teenage boy going through his voice change hahaha. Enjoy your (Labour Day) weekend!


♥Bunny♥ September 5, 2010 at 12:32 AM   said...

Great outfit! Really really pretty and love the place selection! It's sooo gorgeous!
And Do hope you get better soon :(

Unknown September 5, 2010 at 1:20 AM   said...

Angie, you really look so pretty! I love your shoes, they're so shiny! hahah. and lovin' your photos.. btw, what camera are you using? Shots look great.

xx, Channie

p.s. please reply on my blog :)

Ping September 5, 2010 at 1:31 AM   said...

hi look so pretty in the skirt. i love the red bold floral pattern and the cute shiny matching shoes. i hope you feel better...i been sicking for awhile too :(
i'm coughing as i am typing this message. haha!

hevn September 5, 2010 at 2:18 AM   said...

Whoaaa.. me love the top and shoes!
Yikes, you're like the opposite of me, lol, I'm the type that enjoys sleeping 10 hours a day kind (though I consider that a luxury now), can't really takes stress, (starts losing weight and hair) NYAHAHAHAHAHHA!
but aww.. keep it up k, I'm happy for you

Karen September 5, 2010 at 2:20 AM   said...

You are just too cute in your dorothy shoes! I love your outfit and the gradient of the skies in the photo.. simply beautiful :) Your photos make me feel very relaxed, I wish the weather is warmer year-round in SF so that I could wear skirts and tanks outside too :\

Anonymous September 5, 2010 at 3:38 AM   said...

I love the background and location you were taking the pics, so beautiful! the skirt is very pretty on you!!

I love your wizard of oz-esque pumps, they are super cute. they'll brighten up any day ;)

Anonymous September 5, 2010 at 4:10 AM   said...

Omg, the skirt is so cute, and only $5? :o The field of flowers is pretty too~

PetiteXXS September 5, 2010 at 6:48 AM   said...

I find that my optimal amount of sleep is ~9 hours a night... any less and I wake up tired, any more and I get increasingly groggy (even though I routinely sleep for 10-12 hrs on days when I can sleep in to "catch up"). I used to be able to survive on 4-5 hrs in college but can't do that anymore, and I realize now that I was probably zombied out half the time back then anyway.

I totally know what you mean about DSLRs... been playing with my Dad's and the picture quality (and lighting) has been so terrible compared to my point & shoot. I know it's not the camera (Nikon D90), it's me not knowing how to use it. And it's so much harder to figure it out when using a self-timer :\ Wish I could be so uninhibited like you posing for your BF :)

Libby September 5, 2010 at 11:49 AM   said...

Such a cute outfit! I love the summery feel. And don't worry, your pictures aren't blurry, they look like it was done on purpose ^^

Also, I can't believe you fit into size 3 kids! That's crazy!

Anonymous September 5, 2010 at 12:56 PM   said...

i saw this outfit on chictopia and had to come check out your blog! wow, the outfit looks even better in it's full post. you look stunning, cannot believe that skirt was only $5. gotta love h & m! absolutely loving your blog, definitely a new fave and following :)

Jean September 5, 2010 at 1:31 PM   said...

Score on the floral skirt! I think I tried it on too and it was no food allowed tight. I like these pics of you prancing in the prairie : )

s September 5, 2010 at 1:43 PM   said...

Aww cute outfit! Simple, but the floral skirt definitely makes it vibrant and fun without having to add too much! I'm liking the backgrounds you chose.. I love colorful background, I feel like it brings out color in outfits :D

Lindsey September 5, 2010 at 2:37 PM   said...

Hahaha...where the hell are you in these pictures?

Love you, you look fantastic!


PinkOrchids September 5, 2010 at 5:24 PM   said...

Your boyfriends photography is very good, but then again you make a lovely model! Loving the cute red dolly shoes! xXx

cocoabee September 5, 2010 at 5:37 PM   said...

the skirt is super pretty! its really good that you enjoy hard work, you'd make an excellent doctor and work habits and strong will are the key to success (: the bag is really pretty too! i had no idea you could get cute bags from Claire's o_o

Sydney's Fashion Diary September 5, 2010 at 7:33 PM   said...

Love your photos. My Dad let me use his camera (which is Canon D70). It was too complicated for me. The pictures didn't turn out very well. I gave up so I have been using my digital camera for few weeks now and the photos turn out just fine. I might revisit it later.

Liana September 5, 2010 at 8:49 PM   said...

omg angie i love these photos! they keep getting better and better! i think you guys did great using a camera that you didn't know how to use, plus it was old,great job! this outfit is so cute too, lol those are totally dorothy shoes! i have silver sequined tennis shoes..if we ever meet in real life we'll have to wear them so people can stare :P i hope you're having fun but don't tire yourself out, and be sure to drink lots of fluids like orange juice and tea! :)

Princess Feef September 5, 2010 at 11:53 PM   said...

super pretty <3 u look adorable ,,
i hate florals also ,, but i love seeing them on people

Unknown September 6, 2010 at 12:28 AM   said...

Ahh, so pretty!! :D My favorite is the first one!!! I love how you look against the full bloom of pretty flowers!! :D Very vibrant! Possibly even romantical or poetic if you did a black and white or some kind of color fading thingy... lol But you don't need to. You look great in color :D :D :D haha I LOVE floral skirts! H&M is really desperate to get rid of those for $5! I bought a few floral skirts from them as well.. a month or so ago for about the same price. You can really find a great bargain :) I can imagine you wearing the same skirt with leggings in the winter when it snows! :p

Oh! I finally got a straw hat! It took me months to find a decently priced one.. but I picked one up @ Target :) It's floppy, and kind of a grainy wheat color! I love it even though I feel foolish wearing it :p

Nikki San September 6, 2010 at 12:46 AM   said...

You definitely need a much needed break from work. Yay for weekend! I'm in love with the skirt! I have to say, I really love vintage patterns.
Angie, you all kept me smiling while looking through your gorgeous pics, my favorite is the #8 shot! You worked out the SLR cam. ;)

MariaKristela September 6, 2010 at 4:33 AM   said...

I love the skirt and the red flats! So chic and feminine. :)

I am a new follower. Hope you can visit my blog and follow me too? Thanks! :)

Carla September 7, 2010 at 3:38 PM   said...

dont you just love the red sign at H&M =D

Anonymous September 9, 2010 at 10:01 AM   said...

I love that skirt, I got an award for you!

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