So I Hear You're a Stud
Yay new pics from my new camera :D All the colours are super bright in great sunlight. There are a gajillion pictures, so be warned. Mom took me shopping in Escondido today because I woke up and was a normal diurnal being for once. I'll do a post tomorrow on all my lovely finds :D I didn't sleep much last night, unfortunately. The room reeked of onions and vinegar for some reason and I couldn't open the window. Bleh.
This dress was featured a few posts ago and as you all know, I won the dress and connector ring from Forever21 Twitter Tuesday yay! I'm glad I can finally show you guys all the pretty detail. For kicks I also redid the golden makeup as well but that will be a post for sometime this week. Can't fit all these pictures in one!
The beading is still pretty heavy and my bra strap shows in the back, so I just reconciled covering up the huge hole and straps with a nice light jacket, an old fave from Ross. It normally has a belt but I took it off because I didn't want to button it. I grabbed some chunky blingy jewelry and shades and voila! The dress is made of a chignon chiffon material (lol wow chignon is a hairstyle) and is just so darn intricate. I think I wore the wrong shoes for this outfit but I needed to walk around and shop : )
I'm still on the lookout for a pink boyfriend blazer and flattering orange lipstick. Haul post and FOTD coming soon!

love the outfit =] looks like an amazing day in cali! and beautiful ring!!!
i looove this outfit, you look soo stylish! i love all the different poses too :) the pics look great, the quality is so much better! im so happy for you! and yes, i love the sunglasses, but i also like seeing your makeup too!
great post, cant wait for more! :)
wonderful outfit! your camera is so nice. :D
i also think the sunglasses compliment your outfit.
ooh i love ur white shoes! and the outfit of course!!! but i LOVE the shoes!
totally love the red jacket with that dress!!! you look so glam and pretty!! :D
Animated Confessions
oh I love the black dress! new follower here btw
love the outfit!
U look great!!
ANGIE! i love your previous blogpost video entry
your voice is so soothing lol.
anyways PLEASE TELL ME what the BEST camera is! i want to get a nikon or canon(i was about to say conair wtf) if you know because i heard the
Canon PowerShot SX20IS and nikon d3000 are amazing and i am soooooo confused with the numbers and letters and this and that. oh god someone help meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
These are self-timer photos??? OMG I was totally gonna ask who took the photos, cuz they're really flattering and nice! And then I saw you wrote self-timer haha! Looove the sunnies on you! The 2 photos below the b+w one are my fav, you look fantastic!
so stunning! and i love evrything about your outfit:):)
I freaking love that you made your parents take these pictures. Hilarious! You look fab, babe.
Girl your outfit pictures are too cute and beautiful!!! love the bling ring! need to get me some too! hehe
Ooo I really like these outdoor photos. I'm also impressed that they are self-timer pics! WHen I used to do those, I would be halfway back to my spot from the camera, and would hear the shutter go off : (
Your new camera is of very nice quality! Esp. with those jewelry pics. The detail is so clear and the background is perfectly soft.
You look so pretty :) I love the outdoor photos. They are great!
You have an amazing sense of style!
Just came across your blog! It is lovely!
what a cute outfit! love the dress details and how you coordinated everything!
Hmmm, I'm totally loving your jacket!
The dress looks glam, very nice.
I've always wondered, are connector rings comfortable? I hardly own any rings so I never really knew :P
Enjoyed your post, keep it up! <3
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