I Met You in the Heat of Battle
Hi guys :D! Yes, finally back with an outfit. This past week I've been lazying around like a fat cow fu fu fu, wearing boring things like running shorts and racerback tanks. Yeah ... no-no for fashion. Today, I promised myself and you guys that I would dress up and take pictures. I whipped out my new military jacket and pulled my hair up into a super high bun. Now I look more Korean than ever xD (I'm 100% Chinese though). Also, note the terrifying root-age growing. I've given up trying to get my hair to stay one uniform colour.
The problem with this jacket is that even though it's size 6 (European) from H&M, it fits like a size 0 ... a little too snug. That means when I have all the buttons done and I'm looking down, my neck is cut by the sharp straight-across collars. That was uncomfortable while trying to study at the bookstore cafe. There are some really odd people at Borders. A couple of days ago, a middle-age guy sat down next to me on a long desk and he smelled like soap. But it wasn't pleasant .. maybe he mixed laundry detergent with bad cologne *shudder* ... Then this Asian guy who was studying for some standardized test on the couches several feet away started looking at me funny after I relocated. Turns out every time I look up from my notebook to check my computer for notes (I'm studying, you know), he thought I was looking at him. In the end he got so uncomfortable he took his papers and held them up to his face to block me from his view. Sheesh! I don't want to look at you either, weirdo! So I moved to the "Religion" section where I overheard some interesting conversations and sat there pleasantly working some Inorganic problems next to an elderly gentleman.
Today ... there was some weird girl who kept singing to herself horribly while reading a newspaper. Directly across from me. Thank goodness I just picked up a pink set of Skull Candy noise cancelers at Best Buy, along with a mini tripod. I found a nice Dell desktop for my research lab and lunched at Wendy's. Their sandwiches are delicious, albeit uber expensive. Anyway, I found that the "Art" section is much busier and full of stranger people than "Religion." I will be returning there for some peace and quiet.
Sad day - my dotted opaque tights I bought as part of my French outfit RIPPED in the back! That blasted sofa ate a big hole in it and today was the first day wearing them! : ( I took so much time trying to put these dadgum things on trying not to snag anything with my nails and they're ruined. I really hate tights. They're so artistic but so one-use D: If anyone knows where to find a good replacement pair, please share!

I had to brighten all of these because my camera doesn't really like super bright sunlight. Maybe it's a vampire. The super sunshine turns all my photos super dark, like this unedited one:

Not a bad Monday : )

cute jacket and beautiful rings!
xo nancy
omg you have a joby! is that what it is? i was telling my friend sophia she should get one for self shots.
Love your jacket and stockings! :) Maybe you should get the size 7 next time. Don't worry it seriously looks good on you. x)
wow cuteeee outfit!!! :D
especially like the jacket, how much did you buy it for? =o
HOLY CRAP you reply fast LOL
Naw. I thought you were normal. :(
wow I LOOOVE LOVE LOVE the jacket!!!!
and I want a joby now =)
looove that jacket!! wish I could rock it like you did!! very cute!!! & those accesories!! I'm a sucker for different/unique looking accessories like those, especially rings... I need one of those tripod thingies!! where'd u get it?? how much? if u don't mind me being too nosy! =)
i've been looking for that jacket but its so pricie here!!! but you look gorgeus.. as usual ;)
you should name your camera thingy... SPIDY! cuz it looks like as spider!
loving the whole outfit! military jacket and the tights eeeeeek perfect ;)
WHOA WHOA WHOA Angie!!! Outfit and poses are AWESOME!! The high bun is a good look for you :)
Haha your studying episodes are hilarious!! What sucks is when someone is doing something that irritates you, and progressively it annoys you more and more until it's all you can think about >_<
The ripped tights~ while that DOES suck, I swear I've seen some chitopia or lookbook.nu outfits with purposely shredded tights... perhaps you can salvage? Or at least use for a funky outfit photo :)
This post has just gone down as one of my favs from you :)
Your Border's stories are soooo funny, although it sucks having to deal with weirdos when you're trying to study. I've noticed that the people who work there are really weird sometimes--like this one guy with long long greasy hair *shudders*
I liked the cropped photo, but maybe do an in-between crop, so there's still some background?
you look so cute! i have that same bird ring, love those dotted tights! and your "spider" did a great job shooting you! haha
**come enter for my Summer Love giveaway!**
lol at the horrible singer. And yeah my camera take dark pictures as well and I have to manually brighten them. Btw love your blazer!
What a cute outfit! you have great poses.. I have a similar tripod but nowhere as flexible as yours!
pretty outfit :)
Love rings :)
Lol, you crack me up Angie! Loved the library stories, haha. I freaking love your outfit! I had the same tights and they ripped too! I have that same bird ring too, lol. It's like we could be sisters (we are both korean after all!) :)
loving the jacket and stockings ;-)
Stumbled on your blog!! Beautiful, Beautiful photos!
Cheers, Jesa
Love the jacket and the flower ring...drooling here!
wow..you combine it very well!
love the tights, the pattern is so cool and cool rings.
Your jacket is awesome love!
I will sound like a broken record here but I ADORE YOUR JACKET! And you put great attention to details with those gold dangling earrings ;) I too take my pictures with a tripod and self-timer, though my tripod is far less handy compared to yours :P I actually like the uncropped version better. Yes, you look smaller in the uncropped pictures but the wholesomeness looks better :) Or maybe next time you can crop less so the picture won't turn small? Anyway, that's just a thought :)
About my photo editing software, I'm using picnik.com (it's free!) It has great "instant" photo effects AND you can crop your pictures there too. It's like a one-stop shop for picture editing :) You should try it and let me know if you need help ;)
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