I am a huge fan of rings. I actually avoided buying and wearing them for the longest time because they never fit. I have size 3 ring finger and can manage a size 5 on my thumb without it falling off some days. Small hands, small feet, sometimes being petite is not so sweet. (I do realize how lame that just sounded hahaha)
I have also become a victim of connector rings (two-finger rings). I'm pretty much obsessed with them and if I picked up every pair I ever saw from Forever21 alone, I'd be in huge financial trouble. Luckily there's Polyvore, which lets me save pretty pictures of all the things I want but can't afford, and compile collages.
I'm going to show you some of my recent craves. You can probably learn a lot about a person by the jewelry he or she wears. I only wear a silver band with 6 small crystals on my right hand's middle finger. It used to be on the ringfinger but I lost that one in an Arizona hotel on the way back from Cali, then lost it again after the hotel kindly returned it at my local Walmart in San Diego. Lame, right? And for a girl who buys a ton of jewelry but usually never wears it, that's doing pretty well for wearing a ring for an entire year. I bought it at my university's import sale freshman year and this fall I replaced it with an identical one, wearing it on a slightly bigger finger :D
[Click on any image and it will bring you to the Polyvore page for the set, complete with names of all items and where I found them]
I have been so enamored with this pair of shoes, it's not even funny. Of course they're too big at size 6, but they're so beautiful! They remind me of kimono prints and I would wear these with any plain outfit or dress that I want to jazz up.
Set name: Crazy Florals
Of course I love pandas, I clipped some things from Forever21 and sickforcute.com. They have mousepads, messenger bags, clothes, totes, all so pandalicious!
Set name: Pandamonium

I love rings! As you can see, I prefer silver over gold. I bought the panda ring after all and it's so blinged out it's almost obnoxious. I like the chainmail one because I used to swordfight and it brings me back to the good ole days. I'm also really into animal rings lately. I should do a post about all of them. I love the plastic rings (bow and heart) because the pastels are so delicate and cute!
Set name: the bling phone is ringing
My weakness: Connectors. I wish I could nab all of these! I have the heart one with the thin silver bar. I'm a big fan of the plain bar one on the upper left. I won the pyramid stud one from Forever 21's Twitter Tuesday and it's bound to be mailed to me anytime.
Set name: connect me, ring a ling
Last but not last are my FAVOURITE connectors. I'm a big fan of quirky things and I like practical jokes in daily life. I'm always full of puns but they do come in handy for comic relief. I really really really want the tiger ring. I bought the zebra one a while ago, yes it is obscenely huge, but I love it. My own brass knuckles. I like the heart key because "key to my heart" is one of my favourite cliches. The flower one is really pretty and again with the chainmail. My all time fave is actually the eternity ring because it means more to my life philosophy. Everything is transient but time is immortal. I also figured out how to work fonts and backgrounds (finally) on Polyvore, so I have this cool Scrabble tile font that reminds me of newspaper ransoms.
Set name: my favourite connectors
Last but not least, I won Forever21's Twitter Tuesday Contest 5/18/10 ! I was so lucky to have answered so fast. Every Tuesday, they ask you a trivia question on their products and whoever replies back quickest wins. I had to fill out some legal agreement forms before they send it out, so hopefully my dress and ring will get here soon :D
What's your favourite kind of jewelry? Tell me what you like from my collages : )
lovely collages
visit me!
OMG! That is soooo cute!
You love Pandas but I love bunnies...
I want that Bunny Ring!!!!! @_@
omg i love those flower rings!! Bad bad Angie ~ you're making me want to go to F21 right now to browse all the rings!!
I LOOOOVE ring!! I have a hard time finding rings too, Im a size 4
hey if you really love those shoes you can take them to a shoe repair shop to get them altered (i saw this on the sartorialist hehe)
scroll down to the bottom to check out her altered prada shoes :D
You won a contest! That's so cool. Also, I freaking love that "extinction sucks" tanktop. Love you former (BUT FOREVER) roommate!
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