FOTD: Ladylike Lilac + Canon Powershot SX120 IS !!
I feel whole again! Dad took me to Best Buy today to look at cameras :D He knows how upset I am without something to photograph. Unfortunately, they didn't have the Sony Hx5 in store so I couldn't test it out. However, we did buy a Canon Powershot SX120 IS for $199, so the updated version of my boyfriend's camera I have been using for the past half year. I love this camera. Even though the pics could turn out a little less granulated, they look pretty good on the new and improved larger screen. The camera seems less bulky than the last model and seems to weigh less but I don't like the little door that covers the memory card and batteries. It makes uploading a pain because it won't open easily and I feel like it's going to break if I use too much force.
I also checked out the Sony H55 but even with 14x optical zoom, the quality is kind of lacking. The Canon is pretty amazing for its price. I also fooled around with the cheapest Canon EOS DSLR for fun and my I'm just drooling for a nice, nice camera. Someday. Someday!
I really do enjoy blogging. I think without it, I'd go crazy. Facebook and Chictopia I can do without. I've made a lot of friends here and it's not fun to just up and leave. I still like reading everyone's posts so naturally I also want to say my spiel and post post post! (I learned how to spell "spiel" finally through a Murakami novel. Go figure.) Maybe I can take some pictures of outfits I wear and show them to you guys! Also, I can do FOTD's again. Thank goodness.
About a week ago, I was wearing my white lace dress again and a pearl necklace from Mom. It all fit perfectly and elegantly when I went over to a family friend's house for dinner. We stopped by Barnes & Noble on the way for Examkrackers 1001 MCAT Physics Questions book and Bath & Body Works for some handwashing liquid soap and I got many compliments from the sale assistants :D I also wore my low heel white pumps and a red half sleeve jacket. I'll just redo this outfit and take pics next time. It was all lovely.

[edit 6.10.10: deleted because I'm switching Youtube accounts at the moment]
What's your dream camera? Can you live one day without taking pictures? I've only survived about 2 weeks before crumbling, camwhore to the max xD

Aw I wanna see the whole outfit! Post it post it!!
The nudy browns are gorgeous! I like~!
Heh I know what you mean about blogging.. sometimes I try to think about what exactly it is I like about it, and it's a few things ~ it's like keeping a journal (albeit a public one), it's fun to write out your thoughts and be a bit creative, there's a "look at me" aspect to it without being TOO narcissistic, and you get to meet people who have similar interests! I know that I enjoy blogging so much, and without blogger I wouldn't have met cool people like you :)
cute make up!
My dream camera would be the Canon EOS 5D Mark II....but I probably cant afford it yet LOL
haha! You sound really adorable. I never imagined you with squeeky voice anyways!
Love the FOTD but... it is kinda blurly :(
Can't wait till you take pics with the new cam :D
Hahaha, I know what you mean about lugging slr's around. Love them for scenic and landscape type of pictures but I prefer my point and shoot for makeup stuff.
Your outfit is so cute and I wish i can do french nails like you! Mine will probably be all crooked lol.
xo, Diana
aww your video is soo cute!!! hehe more videos please =D ugh i hate my voice on makes me never wanna speak again haha but ur voice is super cute and doesn't sound squeaky...yaaye for new cameras! i need one roar!
Aww, that's so sweet of your dad! I think my dad would just be like no and give me a weird look hahaha
<3 Diana
i like ur eyes~!
i am sick of those point and shoot cameras but i dont have money for a dslr
magic mountain is good for rides and disneyland is good for atmosphere! i wouldn't recommend universal unless u are also going to city walk!
aww you are sooooo pretty :)
You've got a nice accent :)
thanks for blogging about my giveaway dear :) i love how you pull off the purple eye look! i just must not have the skills =_= lol
I’d have to check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!
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