Monday, May 17, 2010

All You Need is Love, Love ... Love is All You Need (Thanks Sophia!)

I'm so excited about my first love package ever : ) Through this past year I've been blogging, I've met a lot of great people. Sophia is one sweet girl, and I don't just thank her for her gifts that cheered me up so much while sick and kicked down by finals, but also for her big sisterly advice on how to deal with the real world and life. She's so mature in her outlook and philosophies, I only aspire to shed my childish patterns someday and "grow up."

When she heard I've always wanted a pair of angel wing earrings (since probably about 7th grade), she whipped up her amazing craft and jewelry-making skills and made the perfect pair that screams my style : ) Thank you so much, Sophia! The treats were oh-so-yummy too :D

Show her some love! Her blog is amazing : ) Also, support her jewelry store, CutesyJewels. 100% of the profits go to charity!

 Hehe kawaii stickers!
I love the transliterated English on all of these hahaha
Zomg yummm! Marshmallow treats with pudding or chocolate inside them. They were sooo delicious ^__^
I love the chibi stars! They add the perfect touch. Thank you thank you, Sophia!
:* I have something up my sleeves as well! I can't thank you enough, girl. Stay beautiful! I thank the rest of my blogger friends too since without all of you guys, I wouldn't be here today! Thank you for reading, commenting, giving me moral support when I'm going through tough times, and just being there. You're all amazing ♥


s May 17, 2010 at 9:45 PM   said...

Gaah I'm embarrassed >.< haha. I don't have the cute and perfect handwriting that so many other Asian girls have :( I'm just glad you like the earrings! I love how chubby the stars are too! They're so round and cute ... they kinda remind me of lucky charms cereal LOL!

Ooooh!! Before I forget ~ our next meetup will be in southbay!! Because we all wanna go to Face Shop and eat delicious Asian food!! Hopefully we can time it so that you'll be visiting the bf? ;)

Mary May 17, 2010 at 10:46 PM   said...

aww! super cute earrings! that's super nice of sophia to do so! love packs! now hopefully we can see these gifts on ur next OOTD's? hhehe

Anonymous May 17, 2010 at 11:28 PM   said...

Awww sooo cute =] what cute earings!!! sophia is soo sweet!

Katie Ngo May 18, 2010 at 2:00 AM   said...

AWWWW, Sophia's so sahhweet. I love her! Really cute earrings. Super adorable. <3 I know you'll look great in 'em. :)

Liana May 18, 2010 at 2:35 AM   said...

sophia's the best isn't she? i love those candies, they are so good! those earrings are cute too! i keep forgetting to order something from her, i need to!

Ken May 18, 2010 at 2:46 AM   said...

awesome =]

lisadrivesavan May 18, 2010 at 1:33 PM   said...

sweet earrings! thanks for your comment, you should definately do a post about your rings! id love to see them so don't forget to show me :D x

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