Laid Back Saturday
Today was quite an eventful day. My boyfriend and I went shopping after participating in the 5k run/walk for Residential College Olympics (boo for Brookings not winning) - we hit up shoe stores, Target, Best Buy. I'm terribly out of shape and never was a long distance runner, so I resorted to walking and sprinting like twice. The second time gave me a hernia. Okay, I call it a hernia but it was probably crazy ab cramps or something. No offense to people who frequently have hernias. I feel for you : (
[All pics taken with my boyfriend's new phone: HTC Hero! Don't mind the random lines on some images : /]
At Target I was stalking the makeup section as always and I picked up the Loreal 360 Clean Exfoliating Face Wash. It's pretty cool and the scrubber is uber soft, I will blog about it later (it smells like peaches!). I also needed new shampoo and conditioner so I went with Herbal Essences Hydralicious Featherweight. I like that they have both bottles packages together for 2 cents cheaper than them separate -___- ... I was also infatuated with these polishes but they were $6.99 each D: The white sparkles was probably around $2.50 and not that bad but I don't usually apply sparkles in addition to whatever's in the polish.

The upside is I got 2 new dresses! I've always wanted a button-up shirt dress with a tie at the waist. I got one in black size XS (I wanted navy blue or dark purple like I saw at H&M) for $20, so not bad at all. I also randomly picked up a blue interesting floral patterned sundress. It's so cute! Also in size XS for $22, I'm so excited to wear it tomorrow in the beautiful sunshine! I was a little torn between XS and S, but for S I had to tighten the back straps so much but I think it had more coverage in the front. Hehe .. scandalous. Meow Meow got 2 new pairs of nice shorts :D

And then I laid eyes on my baby. A Casio 88-key keyboard with full stand and REAL bloody pedals! OMG. By now my skills suck so much I can only play Fur Elise, scales, chords, and Debussy's Arabesque (first page) T___T Such shame for someone who played intensely for 9 years! (I stopped in 10th grade due to AP craziness and college prep D:). I am in LOVE with it! I do anthropomorphize my instruments a lot .. either way, I have my eyes set and I'm not looking away. Evar! It will be mine! I will give up all my makeup, pretty clothes (okay leave one outfit so I don't run around like a naked mole rat), and internet if I could have it. It costs $600, the same amount as the iPad. Yeah. No thanks, Steve Jobs, better luck naming it next time. Please don't name the next one the iTampon.
We spontaneously avoided the Metro again and went to Mai Lee, a Vietnamese restaurant with amazing pho. I had a vermicelli (rice noodle) w/ spicy beef and sate sauce and Meow Meow had classic mixed beef pho. We shared a spicy Viet beef sandwich for appetizer and I drank 5 gajillion glasses of water because it was so hot. So good! We left all bent over because bending backwards would mean falling over fu fu fu :3
Then we watched this week's Chuck episode and what happened towards the end totally blew my mind. If you don't watch Chuck, you have NO IDEA what you're missing out on!
Afterwards, we went to Show Me Stylez II, a bboy competition. Breakdancers from everywhere gathered and faced off with their sass, style, and crazy agile moves. They are so intense. Someday I will learn and I will be able to do a Nike. My favourites have to be the japanese girl + crew (so cute but kick butt), mini J.Mao as I call him, and the crew w/ the crazy long haired white guy who looked like a very angry Sawyer (from Lost) with his hair tied up into a side ponytail or a bun. Hahaha. These characters have flavour. It was a blast to watch and my right ear nearly died completely from the booming amps. I believe I got tinnitus (ringing in the ear) for around half an hour, which scared the crap out of future ear doctor me. Luckily it stopped and I can hear properly again.
Yay! Pictures uploaded as of 4.5.10 12:19 AM

It sucks to get a color that you think will go good with your skin tone but then doesnt and since its open you cant return aaa!, anyways i actually found this lipstick in a beautiful!!! pinkish matte color, so it has NO sparkles, (im not that into glittery/super shiny lipsticks)its Revlon's 003 -mauve it over- its so super gorgeous and that is alll i wear now, i <3 it.
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