Pandaphilia: My Dormitory [Warning: Kawaii Overload!]
Ha-roh! Welcome to my dorm : ) There was amazingly beautiful sunshine in St. Louis sometime last week so I opened up the blinds and took lots of pictures with natural lighting. That felt really bloody good :D Note the cute uber cute animals here and enjoy :3 (Leave comments wishing them well! They love to be complimented on their cuteness!)
Welcome to the Panda Shrine .. erm I mean .. desk. Haha it's a bloody mess but I have fuzzy earmuffs from Forever21, an iHome to keep my iPod happy, Orgo book (eww), jewelry inside the Van Gogh star box and Urban Outfitters box (I like to keep my cheap jewelry away from air + humidity so they won't oxidize and RUST).
ENLARGE THIS PHOTO. THERE ARE SMALLER PANDAS TOO :D Bask in their kawaii-ness! Most of these were gifts from friends xD They know my obsession very well thankyouverymuch!
Stash of food in the background, more posters, fun lamp that makes the room bright and pink (I actually don't like pink that much go figure) because my dorm's lighting is crap, tea infuser mug of awesomeness.
The long-awaited Panda Posters! Hehe. The one climbing a tree looks absolutely redonkulous.
My makeup cubby filled with way too much makeup hahahaha. I have wayyyy more than this at home x_X and I organize things into Dixie Cups. That's right, kids. Those plastic red cups are used for better purposes in this corner of campus : )
I have an Everyday cup, one for Eyes, one for Lips/face, and one for Brushes. I use Clinique moisturizer for my face whenever I remember to and Victoria's Secret Endless Love "Perfume" - I can't stand perfume so I use fruitier body sprays. And yes, dirty brushes *wrinkles nose* I washed them later that night! Haven't tried out the cute stick-on strawberry and watermelon nails yet or ELF Studio Brush shampoo, but I'll let you know when I do :D
Inside is all my nail polishes with me at college. Yeah this is filled ... too many xD I love this makeup bag though - I got it for around $5 at Forever21. I'm a sucker for cute polka dot designs.
The double-studded earrings I wore on my birthday were a gift from my friend. She got them for me in Hong Kong and boy are they adorable to a tee! This is the packaging :3 It's a little house!
Thank you for visiting! Now I have to STUDY on this grey rainy day. Boo T__T